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Purchase conditions

  1. Anyone interested in our services is entitled to two (2) free quotes.

  2. ​From the third quote, a fee of 10,000 FCFA will be required if the first two are not validated.

  3. PRIMADI Group has a period of 3 to 7 days to make the quote available to the potential customer.

  4. PRIMADI Group takes into account the exchange rate of international currencies when establishing quotes.

  5. The conditions and means of payment are specified on the quotes

  6. In the event of cancellation of the purchase after a payment, service fees and related costs are not refundable.

  7. If the choice of supplier comes from the customer, PRIMADI Group is not responsible for the quality of the goods.

  8. When processing quotes, PRIMADI Group may take into account additional costs such as: 

  • Bank charges

  • Site fees

  • Removal costs

  • packing costs

  • Home delivery costs

Shipping conditions

  1. Each customer with the address must inform a sales representative before and after each order by following the instructions to the letter.

  2. In the event of non-compliance with the instructions (package without name, non-compliance with the address, etc.) PRIMADI Group is not responsible for tracking the goods.

  3. Generally prohibited are counterfeit goods, human remains, animals, currency, weapons, precious stones, narcotics, explosives and alcohol. Liquid, battery, powder and cosmetic products are prohibitedby air CHINA-ABIDJAN.Any package rejected for non-compliance with the CHINA-ABIDJAN bans by air is immediately transferred to the ship warehouse. The delivery time then remains undetermined. Rejected packages are automatically billed by ship.

  4. Our prices may vary depending on the time of year. Therefore, each customer must contact our sales staff before any shipment.

  5. PRIMADI Group undertakes to respect its deadlines but is in no way responsible in the event of non-compliance with supplier delivery times, maritime and air transshipment, customs requisitions, strikes, natural and health disasters.

  6. Before each loading, the customer must pay50% of its invoice by sea.

  7. Each customer has 7 days after being contacted by customer service to collect their package from our premises or warehouse. After this period, a penalty will be applied each week. If no arrangements are made by the customer for one month or 30 days. PRIMADI Group can dispose of the package.

  8. In the event of loss of the package, PRIMADI Group undertakes to reimburse only if the customer produces the invoice and packing list corresponding exactly to the lost merchandise. Reimbursement can be made in cash or by repurchase of the goods within 14 days of the complaint.

  9. PRIMADI Group remains open to any concerns and suggestions from its friendly customers.

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